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Минимальный депозит, необходимый для участия в этих мероприятиях, невелик, на выдержку что каждый может присоединиться к веселью.
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The player from Germany is dissatisfied with the withdrawal process. The player confirmed he received his winnings.
The player's deposit was not credited for unknown reason. The complaint was resolved as the player's deposit been credited.
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The player from Kuwait has been blocked after accumulating winnings due to клик having an active self-exclusion in a sister casino. The player later confirmed that the deposit refund was processed successfully, therefore we marked this complaint as resolved.
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The player from Japan had made winnings of $680 but before he could withdraw, his account had become inaccessible. Despite inquiries, the casino had not initially provided a reason or estimate for resolving the issue. After the player had contacted our complaints team and provided the necessary information, we had engaged with the casino on his behalf.
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